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Lynn Chadwick

British 1914-2003 

Lynn Chadwick’s abstracted standing or sitting human forms in bronze or welded steel, with bulky draped bodies and stick-like limbs, are immediately recognisable. The artist works with the tensions set up by contrasts between dark and light, rough and smooth, solid and insubstantial, organic and geometric and matt and polished, and he succeeds equally well at all scales from table-top-sized works to monumental, larger-than-life figures that dominate the landscape. He builds a space frame that is filled in with plaster compound and then cast, so his sculptures invariably appear constructed rather than carved or modelled. Chadwick bought the Tudor manor house Lypiatt Park (Gloucestershire, UK) in 1958 and slowly renovated and restored it until his death in 2003. Many of his large-scale sculptures have been installed there in the grounds.

13 lots offered      100.00% sold      ZAR 8 796 345

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Lynn Chadwick; Standing Woman
13 Oct 2014
Sold for ZAR 227 360
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT