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Jan Maanda Tshikhuthula

South African 1983- 

Jan Maanda Tshikhuthula, born in Tzaneen, in the Limpopo Province in 1983, spent his childhood in Matshila, a VhaVenda village atop a lush subtropical hill. The village's school, built in the 1930s, served as a rare educational hub for children from distant areas. Tshikhuthula's upbringing in this idyllic place profoundly influenced his art today. He and his cousin herded goats, explored the countryside, and experienced a typical rural childhood. In 2012, Tshikhuthula acquired the land where the school stands, preserving its heritage and history. It's a place where his ancestors rest, believed to still house their spirits.

3 lots offered      100.00% sold      ZAR 5 159

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Jan Maanda Tshikhuthula; Winter Study V
8 Mar 2021
Sold for ZAR 1 759
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Jan Maanda Tshikhuthula; Winter Study (VI)
8 Mar 2021
Sold for ZAR 1 642
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Jan Maanda Tshikhuthula; Winter Study (II)
8 Mar 2021
Sold for ZAR 1 759
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT