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Sifiso Gumede

South African 1987- 

Sifiso Gumede, born in the township of Alexandra, is a printmaker who studied at Artist Proof Studio and participated in a mentorship program at the Goethe Institut for social and cultural entrepreneurship. Gumede gained working experience in photography, illustration, videography, and business skills with organizations like Yes 4 Youth and Tilt (YCC). He has received commissions from Walmart + Smartmart and RMB FNB in collaboration with Lizamore Gallery. His art, rooted in his personal journey of starting a family, delves into the challenges and joys of this experience, emphasizing the importance of love, unity, and respect in family life. Gumede's linocut works aim to shed light on the financial challenges faced by many families, offering a platform for dialogue and community-building.

We have not offered any works by Sifiso Gumede at auction

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