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Troy Makaza

Zimbabwean 1994- 

Born in 1994, Troy Makaza lives and works in Harare, Zimbabwe. He graduated from the National Gallery of Zimbabwe Visual Arts Studios in 2014 and has since been focusing on developing his own unique medium to best express his ideas. His experiments with different mediums have led him to silicone, which he finds he can cast, paint, weave, etc. The twisted and colourful strands bound together build powerful metaphors for social and intimate spaces, where traditional roles are no longer assured but “liberal” attires don’t always fit. His subject matter references the issues of contemporary Zimbabwean life – politics, history, and authority – and their impact on the lives of ordinary people.

Makaza’s were included in the 2018 survey of Zimbabwean contemporary art at Zeitz MOCAA. In 2019, he won the Tomorrows/Today prize at the Investec Cape Town Art Fair. His work can be found in institutional collections like that of the Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden in Marrakech, Morocco; Rollins College museum collection in Orlando, FL, USA; and noted private collections like Jorge Perez’s personal collection in Miami, FL, USA.

3 lots offered      66.67% sold      ZAR 78 875

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Troy Makaza; Untitled
10 Jul 2023
ZAR 30 000 - 50 000
Troy Makaza; Vision
28 Feb 2023
Sold for ZAR 43 700
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Troy Makaza; Remembering Byzantium, Pt 5
28 Feb 2023
Sold for ZAR 35 175
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT