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Huda Lutfi

Egyptian 1948- 

Huda Lufti, from Cairo, Egypt, is a self-taught multimedia artist and historian. She holds a PhD from McGill University in Montreal, Canada in Islamic Culture and History and is Professor Emerita of History at the American University, Cairo. Her art comprises collage, assemblage, painting, photography, sculpture, installation, and video. Her art, like her academic subject matter, references history, culture, gender, and identity in the contemporary world and political climate. She utilises symbols and imagery from a diversity of cultures – Pharaonic, Coptic, Arab, Mediterranean, Indian, and African.

Lufti has exhibited her works since the 1990s, including in Egypt, the USA, the UK, and the UAE. Her works are found in public collections such as the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) in California, USA; The British Museum in London, UK; Museum of Modern Art in The Hague, Netherlands; Jean-Jacques et Michele de Fleurs Collection in Paris, France; and The World Bank in Cairo.

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  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Huda Lutfi; Gestures
28 Feb 2023
ZAR 150 000 - 200 000

VAT is charged on both hammer and premium for daggered lots.