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Christian King Dusabe

Rwandan 1996- 

Dusabe King Christian is a visual artist based in Kigali, Rwanda. He showed an interest in art at an early age and in 2015 went to study at the Ecole d’Arts de Nyundo, in Rubavu, Rwanda.

In 2017, Dusabe began his journey of telling his stories through his artworks. He paints in oil, acrylic and watercolour. The artist’s style in both painting and drawing has evolved over time to become more exploratory in terms of colours and shapes even though human figures and portraits are his prime subjects. His work can be described as contemporary figurative/portraiture realism and his.

Dusabe has participated in numerous group exhibitions ,both locally in Rwanda, and internationally. In 2020 he exhibited in the 2nd International Art Biennial of works on paper at the National Museum of Serbia.

We have not offered any works by Christian King Dusabe at auction

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