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Pilipili Mulongoy

Congolese 1914-2007 

Pilipili Mulongoy, better known as Pilipili, is a celebrated Congolese painter and known as one of the leading Congolese painters of his time. He was born in the Katanga region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (previously Zaire). In 1947, he was one of the first artists to join The Hangar School (Le Hangar) established by Pierre Romain-Desfossés to assist artists by providing them with materials and studio space. Pilipili was encouraged by Romain-Desfossés to find inspiration for his subject matter in his environment, including nature and the surrounding flora and fauna. Like many of his Hangar School peers, his work depicts the rich and diverse Congolese landscape including verdant forests, lush foliage, wildlife, aquatic life, and people. His works are steeped in regional folklore with each painting presenting a moral story and often illustrating the transience of life. Pilipili’s rich subject matter is delicately depicted through the use of vibrant colours and his distinctive rhythmic brushstrokes. His brightly coloured and sometimes fantastical background landscapes, textured by fine lines and speckled marks are reminiscent of the geometric marks on Kuba tapestries.

Pilipili’s work has been shown in numerous international exhibitions, including the EXPO 58 in Brussels, and the Histoires de voir exhibition at BCZ Bank in 2012. Between 2015 and 2016, his work was included in a survey exhibition of modern and contemporary Congolese art at the Fondation Cartier in Paris, France entitled Beauté Congo – 1926-2015 – Congo Kitoko. Pilipili’s paintings are represented in leading public and private collections worldwide, including the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in New York and in the private collections of Belgian royalty.

The artist died in 2007.

3 lots offered      100.00% sold      ZAR 132 389

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Pilipili Mulongoy; Two Black Crowned Cranes
28 Feb 2023
Sold for ZAR 92 575
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Pilipili Mulongoy; Birds
18 Sep 2017
Sold for ZAR 30 446
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Pilipili Mulongoy; Two Gazelles
18 Sep 2017
Sold for ZAR 9 368
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT

VAT is charged on both hammer and premium for daggered lots.