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Francis Dennis Ramsay

Scottish/Austrailian 1925-2009 

Born in London of Scottish descent, Francis Dennis Ramsay (Dennis) was a painter influenced by the classical Dutch painting tradition. He pursued architecture at University College London from 1947 to 1950 and later became a student of Italian artist Pietro Annigoni in Florence, Italy between 1953 and 1955. Annigoni taught Ramsay to paint using oil tempera (also known as tempera grassa), a technique that involves mixing pigments, egg yolk, oils, and a preservative; Ramsay’s unique choice of preservative was whisky. This technique is known for creating works of longevity and vibrancy. Ramsay painted a variety of subjects, including still lifes, religious works, and portraits of individuals such as Princess Alexandra (1955), Sir Winston Churchill (1967), and Prince Phillip (2001). His portrait of Dame Flora MacLeod of MacLeod, 1878 to 1976, the 28th Clan Chief (1956) hangs in the National Portrait Gallery of Scotland. Ramsay’s works were exhibited worldwide, including at the Royal Academy and Royal Portrait Society, both in London, as well as the Pieter Wenning Gallery in Johannesburg. Ramsay resided in Australia from 1986 until his passing.

1 lot offered      100.00% sold      ZAR 19 933

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Francis Dennis Ramsay; Crossroads
25 Oct 2023
Sold for ZAR 19 933
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT