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Peteros Ndunde

Kenya 1996- 

Peteros is an artist of Brush Tu artist collective. His work is derived from simple daily life activities of individuals, which form greater and more complex societal contexts.

He is currently studying for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
He became interested in drawing at a very young age and developed his talent over time. He draws inspiration from his personal experiences daily to conceive his works. He is interested in the most fundamental human psychological interactions and their societal impacts.
Peteros uses different media depending on the method he wants to use to transmit the desired message. The drawing remains nevertheless its main medium for the subtlety of the messages delivered over time. His work also seems to defy realistic and conventional art forms. As Analytical Cubism breaks down the natural forms of the subject in geometric forms and reformulates its representation, Peteros combines a wide range of multiple perspectives of the human body in to an image to stage human behaviour in a minimalist way, false reflections of more complex and more complex emotional systems.
"My work explores the experiences of daily life and the enormous ripple effects that flow from these seemingly "life actions". Indeed, most daily interactions have enormous psychological and social consequences for an individual and, indeed, for society in general. As such, my minimalist approach in the work becomes a metaphor for the complexities of my subjects, that preserve a facade of simplicity." Recent exhibitions include “World Art Dubai”, group exhibition, Dubai world trade centre, Dubai, 2018 and 2017, Tokyo international art fair, group exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, 2018, Young Guns, Circle Art Gallery, 2018

3 lots offered      33.33% sold      ZAR 9 380

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Peteros Ndunde; Landed I
19 Oct 2020
ZAR 8 000 - 12 000
Peteros Ndunde; Landed II
19 Oct 2020
ZAR 8 000 - 12 000
Peteros Ndunde; Sitting
19 Oct 2020
Sold for ZAR 9 380
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT