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Benigno Tengo

Angolan 1993- 

Benigno Ebanja Tengo is an Angolan artist based in Luanda. He has drawn since childhood, in a family of artists. In 2017, he decided to focus permanently on art and joined the painting atelier of Patrício Mawete, a nationally renowned Angolan artist.

His work is generally introspective, as he uses his personal experiences and reflections as references. His work includes recurrent themes such as memory, dreams, feelings, emotions, death, alienation, family and interpersonal relationships, the subject-object and the relationship between a man and his space.

Recent exhibitions include the group exhibition Open Space Expo, Spain, the 10th International Printmaking Biennial, Douro, Portugal, and the group exhibition Africa Now with OpenArtExchange Gallery, Schiedam, Netherlands.

3 lots offered      66.67% sold      ZAR 40 278

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Benigno Tengo; Memories of Flying Lessons
21 Feb 2022
Sold for ZAR 22 278
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Benigno Tengo; Northwest Dreamers
21 Feb 2022
Sold for ZAR 18 000
Benigno Tengo; Nkuunga (Dialogue)
21 Feb 2022
ZAR 22 000 - 25 000

Results in green indicate post sales.