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Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp

South African 1907-1946 

Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp, the younger daughter of Bertha Everard, was born in Carolina, Mpumalanga in 1907. Raised in the then Eastern Transvaal, she was educated at Eunice Girls’ High School in Bloemfontein and she went on to study music in Paris and London. She left her studies to return to South Africa and became a highly successful farmer, whilst painting and playing music in her spare time.
Everard-Steenkamp qualified as a pilot in England before the Second World War, and she continued to teach for the South African Airforce during the war. She married fellow pilot Nicolaas Steenkamp in 1940, but was tragically widowed two years later. Everard-Steenkamp regularly flew between South Africa and Egypt and in 1944 she joined the Air Transport Auxiliary in England. It is thought that she was the first woman ever to pilot a jet aircraft. She died in an accident whist flying a spitfire in England in 1946 when she was only 32 years old.
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp had no formal art training but learned from her mother Bertha. She painted in oils with a vigour and energy, using strong and direct linear marks in strident colours, but she was also influenced by her aunt Edith’s lyrical observation of Nature, and she was a member of the New Group.
Everard-Steenkamp exhibited on group exhibitions, including with the Everard Group between 1931 and 1944 and on the 1936 Empire Exhibition in Johannesburg, and her paintings were included in The Everard Group prestige retrospective art exhibition at the Pretoria Art Museum in 1967. Her work is represented in private collections throughout South Africa and in the William Humphries Art Gallery in Kimberley and the Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg.

Collaborations & Affiliations

14 lots offered      57.14% sold      ZAR 2 248 172

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Barberton Daisies
11 Nov 2024
Sold for ZAR 187 600
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Rondeval
11 Nov 2024
Sold for ZAR 211 050
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Wheatfields near Kimpton
8 Nov 2020
Sold for ZAR 96 730
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Fugue in Colour
8 Nov 2020
ZAR 300 000 - 350 000
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Still Life with Erythrina Zeyheri
11 Nov 2019
Sold for ZAR 341 400
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Shadows by Candle Light
27 Jul 2015
ZAR 70 000 - 90 000
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Assembled Still Life with Frangipani and Figurines
1 Jun 2015
ZAR 40 000 - 60 000
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Shadows by Candle Light
30 Jun 2014
ZAR 150 000 - 200 000
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Wheatfields near Kimpton
17 Mar 2014
Sold for ZAR 113 680
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Barberton Daisies
11 Nov 2013
Sold for ZAR 272 832
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; Still Life with Erythrina Caffra
12 Nov 2012
ZAR 800 000 - 1 200 000
Rosamund Everard-Steenkamp; An Assembled Still Life
11 Jun 2012
ZAR 60 000 - 90 000

Results in green indicate post sales.