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Mavis Tauzeni

Zimbabwean 1982- 

Mavis Tauzeni was born in 1982 in Harare, Zimbabwe where she still lives and works. She is a subtle talent. Her work in print and mixed media moves one to meditation and a reflection of one’s inner self in much the same way she reflects on her inner world. Speaking unapologetically from a woman’s perspective, she constantly reflects on the mutable relationship between a woman, her potential, and her actual in daily life and through the life cycle. She says, “I feel that women in particular relate the physical with the spiritual and emotional in a uniquely powerful way, being the givers of life and the nurtures of others. The physical strength is integral to the spiritual importance.” With quiet confidence and gentle poetry, Tauzeni asserts the right of the new generation of women in Zimbabwe to claim a place in their society on their own terms.

Tauzeni specialised in printmaking and painting during her training at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe Visual Art Studio (completed in 2009). Her work was included at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe’s Annual exhibitions of 2014 and 2015 and recently she has participated in Pachedu (Among Ourselves) at Half Gallery in New York City, NY, USA (2022); Vaanhingirkii (You can’t Remember but You won’t Forget) at Chinatown Taylor’s in Los Angeles, CA, USA (2022); and Tomorrows/Today a solo exhibition at the Investec Cape Town Art Fair, Cape Town (2022). Her work is included in collections such as the Fondation Blanchère and the Rubell Family collection.

Biography courtesy of Africa First.

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Mavis Tauzeni; 8 Days a Week
28 Feb 2023
ZAR 40 000 - 60 000