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Lim Yew Kuan

Chinese/Singaporean 1928-2021 

Lim Yew Kuan was born in Xiamen, China in 1928 and later moved to Singapore with his family during World War II. After obtaining a degree in Western Art from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) in 1950, he went on to teach there for seven years. In 1958, Lim moved to London to attend the Chelsea School of Art and completed his studies in 1962. Lim’s father, Lim Hak Tai, was the founding principal of NAFA, and when he passed away in 1963, Lim took over his role until 1979. Lim received the Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (Public Service Star) from the Singapore Government in 1980 and was later awarded the Cultural Medallion in 2011 for his contributions to the visual arts in Singapore. Lim was not only an accomplished arts educator but also a skilled painter and sculptor who drew inspiration from social realism and Impressionism. His work is now a part of the National Gallery Singapore’s collection.

1 lot offered      100.00% sold      ZAR 80 500

  Including Premium and VAT Results include Buyer's Premium and VAT
Lim Yew Kuan; Harbour
25 Oct 2023
Sold for ZAR 80 500
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT