Single owner private wine collection
Timed Online Auction, 3 - 11 April 2023
Single owner private wine collection
About the SessionThe wines have been sourced from a private collector, whose wines have been stored in an immaculate custom-built cellar. The collection showcases the best of the wine-making world and offers a range of options to suit any palate.
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
About this Item
Vega Sicilia 'Pintia', Toro is a high-end Spanish red wine from the Toro region, which is located in the northwest of Spain. It is produced by the renowned winery Vega Sicilia, which is famous for its high-quality wines.
It is considered one of the top wines from the Toro region and is highly recommended for anyone who is interested in exploring the world of Spanish wine.
Private Client
Critics Ratings
‘The 2008 Pintia has a fragrant bouquet with scents of dark plum, mulberry and fresh cherry, the new oak neatly folded into the fruit profile. The palate is medium-bodied with a fleshy, silky smooth entry. The tannins here are very fine with dark cherries, a touch of sloe and spices that become more pronounced toward the focused finish. This is perhaps the most feminine 2008 so far – less sexy than the 2007 but still seductive.’ - Neal Martin, Wine Advocate, 95/100 (Apr 2013)
‘Savour and richness. Sweetness and saltiness. Impressive. But hefty.’ - Jancis Robinson MW,, 16+/20 (Mar 2015)